Using a Single Color on a Metal Business Card

Metal Cards Support

If you think about it, the fact that we can see so many colors at this current point in time is truly incredible. These colors are pretty much just various forms of light that is reflected and sent to your eyeballs which read the different kinds of wavelengths as hues and tones. While the amazingness of colors and their wide diversity might tempt you to use every single one of them in your metal business cards, you should note that doing so would be a bit too much without a shadow of a doubt.

After all, you don’t want your customers feeling visually assaulted by these cards. Calling Metal Cards Support will inform you that single colors usually end up working best, at least if you are making business cards for your profit making entity that you own outright or perhaps with a few partners. A single color makes it so that the card would stand out more, and there would not be anything that would distract people from the thing that actually matters which is the text on the cards in question.

Metal Cards Support

You should use two colors at most, and ensure that these colors complement each other. Two colors is the highest number that could actually prove useful, but you can only get anything worthwhile out of the cards if you first start off by making sure that they play well against each other. Clashing colors are a big reason why so many business cards fail to have the impact that you require from them, so be careful to avoid this mistake lest your metal card investment turns into a complete and utter failure in any way.