Selling A Car to An Individual – The Advantages

honda fresno

To do business, especially in the automobile, selling between individuals remains a very common means on the market. Even if this way of selling can be restrictive because it requires time and personal investment, thus cars for sale in Fresco to an individual still has advantages!

Greater Financial Gain

The first advantage of selling your car to an individual is financial gain. Indeed, the purchase prices charged by professionals (dealer, garage, scrap dealer, agent) will always be lower than the price at which you want to sell your vehicle (-15% for professionals against -5% for individuals).

Financial gain is the first advantage, but be sure to make a good estimate of your vehicle to fix it at the best price. You will sell faster.

No Canvassing with Different Professionals

The second advantage of selling your car to an individual and that you manage your sale alone. This saves you from approaching different professionals to find out which one will offer you the best trade-in offer. However, it will have an advantage, that is, it can offer you a shorter time to put on sale, or even the same day.

A Personalized Transaction

The third advantage of cars for sale in fresno to an individual, you make a personalized transaction. You probably have a very good knowledge of your vehicle and you can, therefore, sell its merits.

Also, negotiating the sale price of your vehicle with your buyer will be possible. However, by calling on a professional, the negotiation will be much more complicated.

cars for sale in Fresno

You manage the sale from A to Z

If you are likely to want to manage everything, selling your vehicle yourself to an individual will be a real pleasure. You should:

  • Evaluate your car and set a price based on the current market
  • Ensure its condition (both outside and inside)
  • Write a complete and detailed classified ad on one or more specialized sites (it must grab the attention of buyers)
  • Make yourself available to interested potentials who will contact you for more information
  • Be flexible for tours and test drives

Use an intermediary like Own A Car Fresco

Hiring an automotive professional does not limit you to going through a dealer, garage, scrapyard, or agent. The dealers like Own A Car Fresco takes care of everything! They will link the sellers and the buyers and will, therefore, have no particular interest in selling one car rather than another, unlike a dealer.


At Own A Car Fresco), they sell vehicles on our website selected on different quality criteria (condition, year of entry into service, mileage). These are professionals who take care of the inspection of the cars so that there are no unpleasant surprises for the buyer.

Category: car